Piss 【Selected 127 Photos】 Secondary Image Of Lori Poor Breasted Beautiful Girl Who Is Small And Cute But Too Etched Travesti

Fagen chuckled a little under his breath at her little aside, but then steering her back to the topic at hand asked, “What else, there must be more than just height and hair that gets you going, what about build!?!” “Well uh, I guess I like my men to be on the muscular side,” she replied, “but not like a body builder but more like a swimmer's body, you know, long and lean!!!” “What about body hair,” he asked!?! “Love it,” she replied giggling, “up to a point, but not like a gorilla!!!” “And finally we get down to the big question,” he said softly, “what about genital size, do you have a preference there, too!?!” “Her face blaze red imstantly, and in a almost whispered voice she replied, “I-I guess I'd have to say that I like penises on the larger side nice with tight balls!!!” “Circumcised,” he asked!?! “Oh yes,” she replied quickly, “I like to be able to see the head even when its soft, and I like it better that way for oral sex, too!?!”

Dr. Fagen sat there for a few minutes digesting everything that Marcia had told him before asking, “Have you ever had a man that fit the mold you've just described to me!?!” “Not really,” she said sadly, “but I'm still looking!!!” “What if we found a man that fit everyone of your categories,” the doctor opined, “save one, and let's say that he was bald, could you be happy with a man like that!?!” “I-I don't know,” she mumbled, “I guess I've never thought about it that way!!!” “I know that we're early in our treatment,” he went on, “but already I believe I have at least half a theory!!!” “Really,” she asked excitedly, “and what is it!!!” “How does unrealistic expectations grab you,” he replied, “you've described your prince charming but in reality you might never meet him, and if you did, do you think you could live up to the high expectations you'd surely believe he had for you!?!” “I-I don't know,” she said slowly, “I've never thought about it that way!!!”

“Okay,” he said softly, “let's get back to your inability to climax, do you ever masturbate!?!” “Uh, not much,” she answered, “it really doesn't seem to do much good!!!” “Well, when you do,” he asked, “is it at all plasureable even though you don't climax!?!” “Yeah, sure it is,”she replied, “but that's hardly the point is it!?!” “Let's think about that for a moment,” he replied gently, do you ever watch televison for pure enjoyment, such as a movie or concert!?!” “Of course I do,” she replied, “everyone does!?!” “Exactly,” he intoned, “but you say that there's no point to masturbation even if it feels good to you, and answer me this, what was more enjoyable to you, that movie on TV or the feeling in your vagina when you were sexually aroused!?!” For a moment she didn't answer him, but after a little contemplation, she replied slowly, “Well I guess it's more pleasureable when I masturbate, but I'm not sure that I get your point!!!” “My point is that while masturbation is more enjoyable than watching a TV program,” he explained, “but you'd still opt for the TV show just because your masturbation session wasn't quite what you'd hope it would be!!!”

“Are you saying that I should masturbate more,” she asked!?! “Not at all,” he replied gently, “I'm just saying that maybe you could start facing your problem by yourself and not relying on a fanciful idol that probably only exists in your mind!!!” “But I've tried masturbating and it just doesn't happen for me,” she fairly whined!!! “Mmmmmm, feeling sorry for ourself are we,” he gently chided her!?! “I guess I am,” she said sadly, “I'm just so darned tired of not getting it when everyone around me is!!!” “I'm sure that it's very frustrating for you, Marcia,” he said quietly, “but have you ever thought that maybe it's your technique that's wrong!?!” “Good grief,” she replied, “are you trying to tell me I don't even know how to beat off!?!” “Not really,” he chuckled, “but you might just need a little push in the right direction!!!” “Well, maybe,” she replied doubtfully, “but how are you gonna do that!?!”

“Before we get to that,” he opined, “what do you think about when you do masturbate, is it that perfect male you have in your mind, or something else!?!” “Ahem, I guess I think about you know, the male genitalia,” she replied red faced!?! “That's perfectly normal,” he answered gently, “in fact I'd wager a guess that ninety five percent of all women think about exactly that, and the other five are liars,” he added with a laugh, “but my next question is very important, so answer me truthfully!!!” “Okay,” she replied, “ask away!!!” “Have you ever masturbated in front of a man and him in front of you,” he asked softly!?! “No,” she quicly replied, “never, I'd be much too embarrassed to try something like that!!!” “Even if it meant having nice hard orgasms for the first time,” he asked her forcefully, “and I mean real earth shaking climaxes!?! “After thinking about it for a moment, she nodded her head and answered, “I'm ready for anything, let's do it!!!”

“Do I really have to take off all of my clothing,” she asked incredulously, “ya see lately I've put on a little weight and I'm not ot sure about.

Hentai: 【Selected 127 Photos】 Secondary image of Lori poor breasted beautiful girl who is small and cute but too etched

【Selected 127 Photos】 Secondary image of Lori poor breasted beautiful girl who is small and cute but too etched 1【Selected 127 Photos】 Secondary image of Lori poor breasted beautiful girl who is small and cute but too etched 2【Selected 127 Photos】 Secondary image of Lori poor breasted beautiful girl who is small and cute but too etched 3【Selected 127 Photos】 Secondary image of Lori poor breasted beautiful girl who is small and cute but too etched 4【Selected 127 Photos】 Secondary image of Lori poor breasted beautiful girl who is small and cute but too etched 5【Selected 127 Photos】 Secondary image of Lori poor breasted beautiful girl who is small and cute but too etched 6【Selected 127 Photos】 Secondary image of Lori poor breasted beautiful girl who is small and cute but too etched 7【Selected 127 Photos】 Secondary image of Lori poor breasted beautiful girl who is small and cute but too etched 8【Selected 127 Photos】 Secondary image of Lori poor breasted beautiful girl who is small and cute 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